"Spirituality and Health" - on the Move in Europe
The most recent newsletter from the European Network of Research on Religion, Spirituality and Health reports:"The European network is continuously growing. This year the Nordic Network on Research in Faith and Health has been established (see http://tro-helbred.org ). At the beginning of October 2011 the “Internationale Gesellschaft für Gesundheit und Spiritualität” (IGGS, www.spiritualcare.de) was founded in Munich."(That translates as: the International Society for Health and Spirituality)
The Network has also announced the Third European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health, May 17-19, 2012 in Bern (Switzerland)It will focus on "Spiritual Care"..."evaluating this old as well as new field from a scientific perspective".Here are links for an agenda (pdf), abstract submission form and registration.