Messages from a mural! FIVE SATURDAY THOUGHTS

Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 03.51.02.jpgThe mural above is part of artist Alex Cook's YOU ARE LOVED mural project. You can learn about it at"Each mural has/is one of five messages...Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 04.02.57.png"Upwards of 50 passers-by lent their hands to paint this design."IMG_2735 (2).jpgScreen Shot 2016-04-30 at 04.54.50 (3).jpg15 murals have been painted in as many US states, and in two other countries.IMG_1976 (1).jpgA man wrote an email saying that seeing the message on this car stopped him taking his life!Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 03.49.06.jpgAlex is looking for sponsors, so if you know of a local organization or public space that could benefit from one of his engaging murals, he would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact him at YOU ARE LOVED MURALS and ask him whatever questions you want to about the project.Alex has also written an in-depth article on how he overcame fears that accosted him in relation to this and other artistic endeavours. Click here to read  the article, "Finding Purpose and Overcoming Fear Through Deep Listening".Thanks for the art, Alex!


PODCAST - Loving those awkward neighbours! (2 mins)


How do you heal a hurting heart?