Response to The Financial Times Comment


Here is the text of the comment written by the District Manager to a FT book review of, 'Truthful Living: The First Writings of Napoleon Hill', by Jeffrey Gitomer, which appeared in the 'FT Wealth Business books' section of the Financial Times on 29 November 2018.

"This  “think and get rich” philosophy seems less a source of “resilience” in today’s world than of destabilizing selfishness and short-termism.  So, I am saddened to see my own religious faith — I’m a Christian Scientist — lumped in with this philosophy. It’s an old stereotype and one that deeply misreads both the character and values of Christian Science. From our perspective, getting rich through positive thinking isn’t a path to true worth, but to its counterfeit. Genuine worth comes ultimately through love, spiritual purpose, and the grace of God.

My grandparents, Sir Derek and Lady Erskine, sought to live these values as early settlers in Kenya.  When criticised for living a privileged life in a country as poor as Kenya, my grandmother fully agreed.  She said that she struggled with this sense of injustice for many years, as had my grandfather. Derek Erskine was one of the few whites to actively work for African independence from British colonial rule.  Elizabeth Erskine served for many years in the denomination’s ministry of Christian healing through prayer. At the center of both their lives was the recognition of the image of God in everyone, regardless of background, country, or class. This truth and the enduring values following from it — so much deeper than self-interest — can help get us all through this severe time in our country and make us free indeed."