Response to The Guardian Review of Circles & Squares


The 25th April edition of The Guardian Review section includes a review of  "Circles and Squares: The Lives and Art of the Hampstead Modernists" by Caroline Maclean.  The book review is by Kathryn Hughes.  The review refers to Christian Scientists, Ben Nicholson and Barbara Hepworth in this quote: 

More topsy-turvy is the story of Hepworth and Nicholson - how the sculptor and the painter met when married to other people and how they tried their best, as civilised people (not to mention positive-minded Christian Scientists), to avoid causing emotional pain...

 A response to this piece was sent to the Editor of The Guardian by Alistair Budd  - the letter was not published:

"In her review of Caroline Maclean's book, The Circle and the Squares: The Lives and Art of the Hampstead Modernists,  Kathryn Hughes refers to Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson as "positive-minded Christian Scientists."  

There is nothing wrong with being positive but Christian Science is much more than simply a method of thinking positively.  In fact, the practice of Christian Science requires a surrender of human thoughts, fears, and desires in order to experience something of God’s infinite Love, goodness, and care for all creation.